JeffMara She Was Attacked By Demons During Her Near Death Experience Podcast guest 217 is Rosza Szamosfalvi. During her near death experience Rosza went to hell and encountered a demon. Also during her nde experience she saw a vortex with gargoyles in it. Rosza's YouTube Channel
JeffMara Rev. David Maginley Had A Near Death Experience DURING CHURCH SERVICE! Today's Guest is Rev. David Maginley. He had a Near-Death Experience during his church service. Luckily he was giving service at a hospital when he had his NDE experience! Watch this video to find out what happened! Rev. David Maginley is a spiritual counsellor with the cancer, palliative
JeffMara He Was OUT of HIS Body for OVER 2 HOURS During His Near Death Experience - Phil Berthol Podcast guest 462 is Phil Bertholl, Jr. who had a near-death experience while he was in his workshop. During his nde experience he went to the black void and he was out of his body for 2 hours and 18 minutes.
JeffMara Lawyer's Meets Spirit Guide Face To Face & Gets Revelations About The Afterlife and MORE! Jeff writes: Podcast guest 384 is Garnet Schulhauser a lawyer who practiced corporate law for over thirty years with two blue-chip law firms in Calgary until he retired in 2008. Since then, he has published five books in the spiritual/metaphysical genre: Dancing on a Stamp, Dancing Forever with Spirit,
Dan Winter Physics of 'Ascension':Fractal Implosion in the Aura-Longitudinal Coherence IS the Rainbow Body! From Dan Winter: Physics of 'Ascension':Fractal Implosion in the Aura- Longitudinal Coherence IS the Rainbow Body! with Dan Water, from Conference Technology for Ascension This is a richer deeper exploration of the electrical science of the
Dan Winter Patrick Botte introduces Dan Winter's Origin of Biologic Negentropy Dan writes: "Patrick Botte introduces Dan Winter's Origin of Biologic Negentropy- preview for Dan's presentation at tomorrow- Sat. Sept 11- presentation for Dan Winter will present 2pm Paris time (8am NY time): Negentropy- Fractality & Biofeedback for Path of Bliss vs
William Henry The Path of Souls & The Rainbow body of Light - William Henry By OMP: "Presentation 1: “The Judgment Day Ascension Device: The Race for the Most Powerful Secret of All Time” Based on his book The Judgment Day Device: Lost Secrets of the Throne of the Second Coming, the Ark of the Mahdi and the Messiah's End Time Kit,