The SoulPhone
"What would it mean if you could communicate with “departed” loved ones and learn from scientists, great teachers, and others who have passed on but definitely not passed away?"
It is truly a pleasure to introduce the "Soul Phone"...? .. ehh what..."A Phone to the Dead"?
Please note that Edison also communicated via THE SCOLE EXPERIMENT and gave instructions on how to build a germanium (germanium-diode?) ITC device, please check that out as well.
link to the Edison photographic evidence
Updates on the SoulPhone™ 2020 (sourcelink above)
by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC – Director of the SoulPhone Foundation
Summary: Gary E. Schwartz Ph.D. is a senior professor at the University of Arizona where he directs the SoulPhone Project at the Laboratory for Advancements in Consciousness and Health. He and a team of electrical engineers, software programmers, evidential mediums, and research assistants have worked together for eleven years. In addition, a team of postmaterial (‘deceased’) inventors, scientists, and other luminaries have assisted the research and development. The following article describes pioneering and mind-boggling advancements that have occurred since the 2019 Update (see below).
1. Dr. Schwartz’s latest article about the presence of postmaterial persons and their ability to communicate will soon be published in Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Click here to read the abstract.
2. Four experiments involving over a thousand recording sessions and millions of pieces of data occurred at three different test centers in 2019. Using the Plasma Globe System, the totality of the replicated findings makes it very clear that:
a ) Life continues after bodily death.
b ) The postmaterial collaborators were able to generate accurate ‘yes / no’ responses during multiple Operator Skills, Personal Identification, and Cognitive Understanding tests. (see 2019 Update below to learn more about these tests)
Based on this body of research, Dr. Schwartz now has a 99.9% degree of confidence about (a) and (b). That is as high a statement of certainty that a serious scientist will make.
3. Three recent technological breakthroughs make development of an Electronic SoulSwitch (ESS) a practical possibility, perhaps as soon as next year. Creating software and hardware for the ESS has already begun and early research may start in two months.
A highly reliable and accurate ESS should allow development of a SoulKeyboard. The keyboard will, much like earthly versions of that technology, enable texting and typing. However the SoulKeyboard will enable that with two groups of postmaterial persons:
a ) ‘Departed’ loved ones: the comfort and joy from really knowing our loved ones are alive and well – and enjoying communication with them – will be extraordinary.
b ) ‘Deceased’ luminaries: many scientists, inventors, leaders, and others want to help us heal our world. They are willing and able to conduct webinars that can help us solve our biggest personal and global challenges.
The Plasma Globe System was never envisioned to produce a commercializable device such as the keyboard. However, the ESS will likely do just that.
4. Because of the ESS breakthrough . . .
a ) SEED Events are postponed; click this link to learn more about these group demonstrations.
b ) HOPE Client Sessions are postponed; click this link to learn more about individual sessions with a beloved ‘departed’ family member or friend.
For both (a) and (b), delaying them should result in much more impressive, powerful, and reassuring experiences. Greatly enhanced technology of ESS should provide more accurate, instantaneous, and meaningful experiences for both SEED and HOPE.
5. Other envisioned SoulPhone devices include:
a ) SoulVoice™ to talk with your dear ones living in postmaterial realms.
b ) SoulVideo™ promises to hear and see those living in non-earthly realms.
c ) SoulPhone apps to use with any smart personal device.
d ) Worldwide webinars with postmaterial luminaries in the fields of science, health care, religion, law, environmental protection, leadership, education, world peace, and other key areas.
6.I invite you to:
a) share this information with others
b) subscribe to free SoulPhone Foundation/ Greater Reality Living e-newsletters
c) become a member and / or donor
d) attend online and/or local Greater Reality Living groups. We are just starting the groups so start one if there’s not an established group in your area