Rev. David Maginley Had A Near Death Experience DURING CHURCH SERVICE!
Today's Guest is Rev. David Maginley. He had a Near-Death Experience during his church service. Luckily he was giving service at a hospital when he had his NDE experience! Watch this video to find out what happened!
Rev. David Maginley is a spiritual counsellor with the cancer, palliative and ICU programs at the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and author of Beyond Surviving: Cancer and Your Spiritual Journey. While David has degrees in philosophy and religious studies, his real education came from surviving cancer four times. This resulted in a profound near-death experience and explorations in connection of body, mind and spirit. He knows what it’s like to have cancer from both sides of the hospital bed, and has a sense of this life from both sides of the veil. David is ordained with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, a specialist with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care, member of the Canadian Association for Psychosocial Oncology, the Atlantic Therapeutic Touch Network, and the International Association for Near-Death Studies. He is also featured in the documentaries, "Here Right Now", and "When You Die".
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