Reincarnation Research
Reincarnation Research
Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition & Spirit
Walter Semkiw
Evidence of reincarnation videos on this channel integrate with detailed written accounts of reincarnation cases on our website, We promote the work of Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia, who compiled over 1500 childhood past life memory cases that were objectively validated. These Stevenson cases show that a person can change religion and nationality from one lifetime to another. Most wars are based on differences in these cultural markers of identity. Understanding they can change can create a more peaceful world. When Sunnis realize they can reincarnate as Shiites, Jews can return as Muslims or Christians, Israelis can reincarnate as Palestinians, etc., conflicts based on these cultural markers of identity will diminish. Review reincarnation cases that show change of religion, nationality, race and gender by going to and clicking on Case Studies.