Madeleine C. Morris - The Miracle Of Mana Force

From Brian Scott YT:

This author appeared before me in a dream after I read this and I found it profound, particularly the Mana breathing technique. This breathing technique is very similar to Wim Hof but with added Kahuna lore.

This is a another episode with an author in the Parker publishing group of books that had amazing techniques and information but is not longer published and is lost in some wasteland. These books are very good. Check out my previous episodes on Reese P Dubin, Walter Delaney, Robert Stone, Anthony Norvell. Madeline C. Morris came from this tradition but this book feels authentic.

This is an energetic way to use your breath to add Mana Force to your intentions. This is done with the breath.

I really enjoyed reading this one.

Music By Mettaverse
A new beginning
healing tranquility
heart of true being

By Queen S at the comment section of this video.
Breathing Exercise:

  1. Expel all air from lungs. Exhale all air that will come out
  2. Using short exhaling puffs, push out more air until no more air.
  3. Push diaphragm out and fill lower part of lungs. Don't allow chest to expand at this point.
  4. Expand chest and fill lungs with air
  5. Hold air in lungs for slow count of 10
  6. Exhale air like step 1. Repeat this 3x. Before going to next step.
    Feel the tremendous power build.
  7. Hold arms out 6-10 inches apart palms facing each other, palms will feel warm and tingly.
  8. Repeat the breathing exercise 3 more times, while feeling the Mana force in hands.
  9. Now that power is generated, send it to higher self. Mentally collect it into a round sparkling swirling white light. Draw ball into solar plexus center part of body then send it up 6 ft above head. Visualize shaft of light traveling up through the top of head to your high self. Feel tingly sensation as it takes place.
    Tell high self what you desire. Mana is sent to high self along with picture and description of what you want, in a shaft of pure energy 6ft above head. Put desire into words exactly what you wish to have. Thank high self for bringing this request into fruition. After you tell high self what you want, command it to go out into the cosmic very forcefully knowing it is your god given right to do it. After you send command, say, IT IS DONE SO BE IT!

Dansk oversættelse fra Google:

  1. Fjern al luft fra lungerne. Udånder al luft, der kommer ud.
  2. Brug udåndingen og pust for at skubbe mere luft ud, indtil der ikke er mere luft.
  3. Skub mellemgulvet ud og fyld den nedre del af lungerne. Lad ikke brystet ekspandere på dette tidspunkt.
  4. Udvid brystet og fyld lungerne med luft.
  5. Hold luft i lungerne for langsom optælling til 10.
  6. Udånd luft som trin 1. Gentag dette 3x. Før du går til næste trin.
    Mærk den enorme kraft opbygning.
  7. Hold armene ud 25 cm fra hinanden, håndfladerne vender mod hinanden, håndfladerne føles varme og prikkende.
  8. Gentag vejrtrækningsøvelsen 3 gange mere, mens du mærker Mana-kraften i hænderne.
  9. Nu hvor kraften er genereret, send det til dit højere selv. Saml det mentalt i et rundt mousserende hvirvlende hvidt lys. Træk kuglen ind i midten af ​​kroppen ved solar plexus, og send den derefter op 2 meter over hovedet. Visualiser skakt af lys, der rejser op gennem toppen af ​​hovedet til dit højere selv. Føl en "tingly" prikkende følelse, når det finder sted. Fortæl det højere selv, hvad du ønsker. Mana sendes til det højere selv sammen med billede og beskrivelse af, hvad du vil have, i en skakt af ren energi 2 meter over hovedet. Sæt ordene præcist som hvad du ønsker at have. Tak det høje selv for at bringe denne anmodning til fuldførelse. Når du har fortalt det høje selv, hvad du vil, skal du beordre det til at gå ud i det kosmiske og vide at det er din guddommelige ret at gøre det. Når du har sendt denne kommando, skal du sige; DET UDFØRES NU OG SÅDAN ER DET!