Children’s Past Lives, Evidence for Reincarnation, Carol Bowman full lecture

This material is groundbreaking and really an eyeopener for those who doubt reincarnation. Most children are really affected by past life events, especially if they have been violent and traumatic. I bet we are all influenced by past life events. If we use hypnoses to heal these past-present life traumas, especially in children, then we are all better off.

From Carol:

Has your child lived before? Carol Bowman explains how to spot the signs of a past life memory in a very young child, illustrated with touching stories and examples. You’ll be surprised how many young children remember vivid details of their past lives.

In this lecture, Carol shows how children’s memories offer the best evidence yet for reincarnation. She summarizes all she’s learned from thirty years of research, shares stories of the children and how the parents reacted, and points to little-known scientific research that proves these memories can be trusted.

Her research led her to discover the case of James Leininger, the boy who remembered dying in his fighter plane in World War II. She shares her insights from her early involvement with this famous story of reincarnation and past life memory.

Carol is author of Children’s Past Lives (1997), Return from Heaven (2001) and founder of the Reincarnation Forum in 1997. She has shared cases and investigations with Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Jim Tucker. Dr. Stevenson is the founder of the whole field of research into children’s past life memories and evidence for reincarnation.

In this lecture, Carol shows how children’s memories offer the best evidence yet for reincarnation. She summarizes all she’s learned from thirty years of research, shares stories of the children and how the parents reacted, and points to little-known scientific research that proves these memories can be trusted.

Her research led her to discover the case of James Leininger, the boy who remembered dying in his fighter plane in World War II. She shares her insights from her early involvement with this famous story of reincarnation and past life memory.